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History: Spanish Civil War

Causes and Effects of War

Important information

History Today and Christian History - back issues

We subscribe to the hard copy of this wonderful journal.  Check the Oliver catalogue to find the issue you want.

Search History Today's own website for references to articles. When you log into History Today using the login details on our Canvas page you can access the full article straight away.

History Today

Articles that can be found in History Today include -

Ruiz, J. (2007). Franco and the Spanish Civil War. History Today,(59).

Preston, P. (1986). Spain 1936: From Coup d'Etat to Civil Was. History Today. 36(7).

Audiovisual material


See below for a playlist of videos about the Spanish Civil war. Remember that you can also search ClickView Online using your own keywords.

Research tips

  • Use the reference list at the end of articles to help you find additional resources that are key to your research.
  • Write down reference information as soon as you write your first note from a source. This will save you time later when creating reference lists and footnoting.  
  • Other pages on the library website may help you when researching for this subject. Two webpages that may be useful are Causes of World War II.

Books from our collection


Print books


These links take you to databases we subscribe to.  Some may need a login and password.  These can be found on our Canvas page

Excellent introductory and background information can be found through the above resources. Use keywords "Spanish Civil War"

Articles that can be found through the NLA include

Ben-Ami, S. (1977). The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera: A Political Reassessment. Journal of Contemporary History, 12(1), 65-84. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from


