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History: Change in the Twentieth Century


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Important information

Search Tips

Library Catalogue

There are many books in our collection on these topics that you can find by searching the Oliver Catalogue.

Please be aware that not all of the print resources will be in the 900s. many are in the 300s and even the 600s.

eBooks from the catalogue

Counterculture (Hippies & Yippies)

Free Speech Movement (FSM)

History Today and Christian History - back issues

We subscribe to the hard copy of these wonderful journals. Check the Oliver catalogue to find the issue you want.

Search History Today's own website for references to articles. When you log into History Today using the login details on our Canvas page you can access the full article straight away.


These links take you to databases we subscribe to.  Some may need a login and password.  These can be found on our Canvas page


These are Websites we recommend for this subject. they will be useful for all topics associated to movements for change in the 20th Century. Let us know if you find any more we could add.

Audiovisual material


Use the search bar in the top right hand corner of the page to search for keywords to find relevant resources! Here are some suggested search terms, listed alphabetically:

  • Feminism
  • Hippies
  • Indigenous rights (see also Indigenous Rights and Freedoms playlist below)
  • Protest
  • Sexual revolution
  • Woodstock

Try your own search terms too!

See also

ClickView advanced searching

Conservative protest (Young Americans for Freedom)

Feminism/Women's Liberation Movement

Gay Liberation Movement

New Left


The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

The New Left by Staughton Lynd
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Vol. 382, Protest in the Sixties (Mar., 1969), pp. 64-72​

This excellent article is available from JSTOR database through the National Library eResources

The Chicano Movement (Hispanic Americans)

Youth culture and protests in the USA, Canada and Latin America

Many of the boxes for the other topics also apply as protests occurred with many of the movements.


Environmental Movement

Anti-War Movement

Jstor has many articles on the anti-war movement but you need to consider your search terms. It is encouraged to use the Advances search option and using terms such as:

  • protest movements (a topic in Jstor)
  • name of war (e.g. Vietnam War)

Also consider some of the resources in other boxes as such as the the Student Movement, New Left, Yippies and Counterculture as these may also have resources that are useful.


The Student Movement