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CGGS Senior School

What is research?

The use of information to inform, enhance and/or confirm one’s knowledge.

At CGGS we focus on inquiry learning and research is part of inquiry learning. The Guided Inquiry Process is a research structure within inquiry learning.

The Guided Inquiry Process 

Guided Inquiry can help you to research with academic integrity. The stages blow provides a structure to guide your research.

  Open – decide the direction for your research

  • What is the task asking of you?
  • Read the task carefully, including the rubric, to understand what you are being asked to do

Immerse – once you have decided on your topic

  • Identify what you already know
  • Build background knowledge
  • Identify areas for further exploration

Explore - a variety of ideas relating to your topic:

  • Identify resource types and how to search for information 
  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • Source type (print, digital, articles, books, websites, audio visual, etc.)
  • Evaluate online information using:
  • Revise browsing, scanning and skimming techniques
  • Note sources you find and write down questions
  • Use an inquiry log to track resources and reference them using the appropriate style guide
  • Keep a running record of your research, including:
  • Your initial ideas
  • Useful ideas that are not your own (State full source details as you write)
  • Exact quotations (Use quotation marks and state source details as you write)
  • Summaries or paraphrases of material written without reference to the original source. (Add source details when you have finished)
  • Websites accessed, dates of access because these can change (Record search engine used to access each website)
  • Your reactions to material read and conclusions you have reached
  • Copies of downloaded material; highlight relevant sections (State source)

  Identify - revisit the question to align your findings, or refine your own question if appropriate

  • Revisit the task instructions to check that you are answering the question and fulfilling the requirements 

Gather - select the information resources that will be the most useful to you

  • Focus your research to answer the task’s question(s)
  • Use note taking strategies [some examples]
  • Use credible sources [evaluate using Schrock’s 5 Ws]
  • Gather additional sources as necessary, including audio visual, images, etc., e.g. from Creative Commons sources

Create - synthesise your ideas

  • Categorise your research findings, drawing similarities and differences in ideas using a mind map
  • Consider your audience and create your work in an appropriate style and format
  • Writing your draft:
      • Always attach the source to any words, ideas, material which are not your own.
      • Don’t wait until the final copy  
      • Avoid cutting and pasting from electronic sources – unless you use quotation marks as you do this and state source
      • Only use lengthy quotations (more than 4 or 5 lines of original text) if they are integral to your essay/document/report. It may be better to paraphrase the ideas rather than quote them
    • Final copy:
      • Check any paraphrased or summarised material against the original to make sure you have not accidentally included exact wording from the original source
      • Acknowledge all work included in the assessment that is not your own
      • Make sure all sources are acknowledged in a bibliography or reference list

Share – disseminate your work and what you have learnt with other students and a wider audience, including teachers, mentors and parents, ensuring that you have completed:

  • Final proofread and edit
  • Checked your similarity report in Turnitin, if required
  • If it is an oral, revise your presentation skills.

Evaluate - at the end of the process, reflect on your work, and the feedback you have received:

  • Evaluate how the process has helped you complete your work
  • Consider the feedback your teacher has given you, and how this will help you
  • Revise your strategies for approaching assignments
  • Apply your new learnings in your next task.