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History: American Civil Rights

Books from our collection


Here are some of the books and eBooks in the Library collection on American Civil Rights topics. Find more by searching the catalogue (link below).

Print books



Search these sites for images you can use freely.

Important information

Audiovisual material


See below for a playlist of videos about American civil rights. Remember that you can also search for additional videos related to your assignment topic by entering keywords in the search bar, which can be found in the top right hand corner of the page.

History Today and Christian History - back issues

We subscribe to the hard copy of these wonderful journals. Check the Oliver catalogue to find the issue you want.

Search History Today's own website for references to articles. When you log into History Today using the login details on our Canvas page you can access the full article straight away.


These links take you to databases we subscribe to.  Some may need a login and password.  These can be found on our Canvas page


These are websites we recommend for this subject.  Let us know if you find any more we could add.